Replay 亦即回放與重現,從航海時代以降,無數豐富的歷史記憶堆疊沉睡在基隆這座港灣,透過「大基隆歷史場景再現整合計畫」,集結各專業人士共同修復與挖掘,將重新在世人眼前展現。這些重要的歷史場景,連接了這座城市的過去的記憶與現在的生活,讓我們一起走入其中,再次認識那個你未曾發現的基隆,了解過去從何而來,才能更堅定地面向未來。
Since the Age of Discovery, Keelung Harbor has accumulated vast and rich historical memories, and through “Integration Project on Representation of Historical Sites in Great Keelung” professionals from many different backgrounds have gathered to jointly restore and excavate these silent hidden memories; revealing them once again to the world. These important historical scenes connect past memories with the present life of the city. The recreation of these scenes creates on opportunity to rediscover Keelung’s significance in the history of Taiwan.